Post by Eddie McGee on Jun 25, 2008 16:48:13 GMT -5
This is the thread where you can leave your questions and comments so all the threads remain in chronological order from bottom to top for everyone's reading pleasure.
Feel free to command me on my wit, rip me to shreds for ripping you a new asshole, or cry me a river about how blah blah should have been blah.
Post by Jason Guy on Jul 13, 2008 2:36:45 GMT -5
He's a very WTF HOH who won in a very WTF way (did nothing) and I have a feeling that this will shape up to be a very WTF week.
Best thing ever.
Post by Eddie McGee on Jul 13, 2008 16:56:59 GMT -5
My all time favorite post is my Week 9 picture post.
A few "Life Lessons with David Lane" were golden
"Strategy Talk with Eddie" was good
The rest...meh, read at your own risk of boredom.
Post by Jason Guy on Jul 15, 2008 20:19:17 GMT -5
Dave's Lessons were fantastic. Your confessional and Janelle's stories are da bestest.