TRANSCRIPT[20:06] bbwarzone: Tonight's game is called "Eliminator."
[20:06] bbwarzone: By answering a question correctly, you earn the power to eliminate another houseguest from this competition.
[20:06] survivornyck: oh lord
[20:06] bbwarzone: Here's how it works: I will give you a series of True/False statements about the order of events in the BIG BROTHER: WARZONE house.
[20:06] bbwarzone: The first person to buzz in will get to answer.
You will have 5 seconds to answer after I call on you.
[20:06] maormx: the person has to be a houseguest currently in the house right?
[20:06] maormx: err
[20:06] bbwarzone: lol yes
[20:06] maormx: ignore me completely
[20:06] maormx: ok good
[20:07] FlyingAce067 : i always do
[20:07] bbwarzone: If you answer correctly, you must eliminate one of your housemates. If you answer a question incorrectly, you will be the one eliminated.
[20:07] bbwarzone: To buzz in, you must type "BUZZ!" If you type something different, it will not count. You cannot BUZZ! until after the question has been asked.
[20:07] survivordj13: ouch.
[20:07] bbwarzone: The last person standing will be the new Head of Household.
[20:07] bbwarzone: Does everyone understand the rules?
[20:07] edwintamiu08: yes
[20:07] survivornyck: yes
[20:07] survivordj13: mmmhm
[20:07] J13366025: Yes
[20:07] elmaestro999: yes
[20:07] maormx: yeah I guess
[20:07] FlyingAce067 : : /
[20:07] bbwarzone: Let's begin
[20:07] FlyingAce067 : Good luck!
[20:08] bbwarzone: 1. True or false: Dave won the Power of Veto in the competition "Scrambled Eggs" before he won the HoH competition "Spot the Difference."
[20:08] survivordj13: goog luck
[20:08] elmaestro999: BUZZ!
[20:08] edwintamiu08: buzz!
[20:08] J13366025: BUZZ!
[20:08] bbwarzone: Rachel
[20:08] survivordj13: buzz
[20:08] maormx: BUZZ
[20:08] survivordj13: lag : (
[20:08] maormx: yeah me too it all popped out of nowhere on me
[20:08] elmaestro999: hmm
[20:08] elmaestro999: true?
[20:08] survivordj13: BUZZ
[20:08] bbwarzone: that is incorrect
[20:08] FlyingAce067 :
[20:08] FlyingAce067 : Rachy Rach.
[20:08] bbwarzone: Rachel, you have been eliminated
[20:09] maormx: Damn it
[20:09] maormx: my dreams have been destroyed
[20:09] bbwarzone: and you must type BUZZ! in caps for it to count
[20:09] edwintamiu08: buzz!
[20:09] FlyingAce067 : BUZZ!
[20:09] FlyingAce067 : woohoo
[20:09] bbwarzone: Question 2...
[20:09] survivordj13: Buzz!
[20:09] maormx: haha
[20:09] survivordj13: lol
[20:09] bbwarzone: 2. True or false: Nicole warned the remaining houseguests to watch out for the "2 snakes in the house" after the Veto Competition "Don't Put Words in My Mouth!"
[20:09] edwintamiu08: BUZZ!
[20:09] survivordj13: Buzz!
[20:09] survivornyck: BUZZ!
[20:09] J13366025: BUZZ!
[20:09] bbwarzone: James
[20:09] edwintamiu08: false
[20:10] bbwarzone: that is incorrect
[20:10] bbwarzone: you have been eliminated
[20:10] survivornyck: EEEEEEEEK gawd i thought i was gone
[20:10] maormx: Why Janelle?
[20:10] maormx: Does James not like you?
[20:10] survivornyck: uh,
[20:10] elmaestro999: lol
[20:10] edwintamiu08: i like u janelle, just a competition thing! :-D
[20:10] survivornyck: same
[20:10] bbwarzone: Remaining Players: Chelsia, Janelle, Eddie, Will, Jason
[20:10] survivordj13: BUZZ!
[20:10] survivornyck: we know we would put each other up
[20:10] maormx: CORRECT
[20:10] maormx: oh wait I forgot to buzz in
[20:11] edwintamiu08: lol, probably but I got mad respect for you! :-)
[20:11] bbwarzone: Question 3...
[20:11] bbwarzone: 3. True or false: Amanda was eliminated in the HoH competition "Chain of Command" after Nicole was eliminated.
[20:11] J13366025: BUZZ!
[20:11] maormx: awww love
[20:11] survivornyck: BUZZ!
[20:11] survivordj13: BUZZ!
[20:11] bbwarzone: Will
[20:11] FlyingAce067 : -cough-
[20:11] J13366025: false
[20:11] FlyingAce067 : scuse me
[20:11] bbwarzone: The correct answer is True
[20:11] J13366025: fuck
[20:11] bbwarzone: Will has been eliminated
[20:11] bbwarzone: Remaining Players: Chelsia, Janelle, Eddie, Jason
[20:12] FlyingAce067 : ay papi
[20:12] bbwarzone: Question 4...
[20:12] bbwarzone: 4. True or false: Jen was evicted by a 9-0 vote before James won the Veto Competition "Big Brother Facelift."
[20:12] survivordj13: BUZZ!
[20:12] bbwarzone: Chelsia
[20:12] survivordj13: True
[20:12] survivordj13: oh shit
[20:12] FlyingAce067 : brb
[20:12] bbwarzone: That is incorrect, Chelsia
[20:12] maormx: LOL Jason goes to take a leak
[20:12] survivordj13: yeah i thought so
[20:12] elmaestro999: lol
[20:12] maormx: what is with me and piss
[20:13] maormx: today
[20:13] bbwarzone: We will wait for Jason before moving on
[20:13] bbwarzone: Remaining Players: Janelle, Eddie, Jason
[20:13] FlyingAce067 : okay back
[20:13] FlyingAce067 : sorry
[20:13] maormx: Attention whore
[20:13] FlyingAce067 : I KNOW
[20:13] FlyingAce067 : LOOK AT ME
[20:13] J13366025: How am I suppose to do that
[20:13] FlyingAce067 : Ready, Chels.
[20:14] bbwarzone: one second
[20:14] FlyingAce067 : okay ^__^
[20:14] maormx: LOL the Chelsbot needs to "freshen up"
[20:14] J13366025: Your ready when she says your ready
[20:15] FlyingAce067 : i am at her whim
[20:15] bbwarzone: Question 5...
[20:15] bbwarzone: 5. True or false: The competition "Don't Put Words In My Mouth!" took place before the competition "Scrambled Eggs."
[20:15] survivornyck: BUZZ!
[20:15] maormx: BUZZ!
[20:15] bbwarzone: Janie
[20:15] J13366025: JINX!!
[20:15] survivornyck: true
[20:15] survivornyck: eeeek?
[20:15] bbwarzone: Janelle is correct
[20:15] bbwarzone: who would you like to eliminate?
[20:15] survivornyck: EEEEEEEEEEEEEK
[20:15] survivornyck: eddie
[20:15] survivordj13: eeeeeeeeeeeeek
[20:15] maormx: surprise surprise
[20:15] survivornyck: i know right
[20:16] FlyingAce067 : uh ho
[20:16] FlyingAce067 : -oh
[20:16] bbwarzone: Janelle and Jason, one of you is about to become the new HoH
[20:16] FlyingAce067 : > >
[20:16] survivordj13: :DDDDDD
[20:16] FlyingAce067 : one sec
[20:16] bbwarzone: kk
[20:16] FlyingAce067 : i have 800 things open
[20:17] FlyingAce067 : k rdy
[20:17] bbwarzone: Question 6...
[20:17] bbwarzone: True or false: Nicole was evicted before the second live competition.
[20:17] survivornyck: BUZZ!
[20:17] FlyingAce067 : BUZZ!
[20:17] bbwarzone: Janelle
[20:17] maormx: tick tock
[20:17] FlyingAce067 : 4 minutes to save the world!
[20:18] survivornyck: false?
[20:18] maormx: Timberland
[20:18] bbwarzone: The correct answer...
[20:18] FlyingAce067 : tick tock tick tock tick tock
[20:18] bbwarzone: was True
[20:18] J13366025: YAYY!!
[20:18] FlyingAce067 : OH GEEZ
[20:18] survivornyck: oh my GAWWWWWWWWWWWD SHIT
[20:18] bbwarzone: Congratulations, jason, you are the new HoH
[20:18] maormx: YEAH!!!
[20:18] edwintamiu08: Congrats Jason! :-D
[20:18] survivornyck: what the fuuuuuuck
[20:18] FlyingAce067 : wow the week im leaving, host
[20:18] FlyingAce067 : xD
[20:18] survivordj13: Good job Jason^
[20:18] FlyingAce067 : LMAO
[20:18] maormx: Good job big J
[20:18] FlyingAce067 : Thanks, i didnt do shit in the challenge
[20:19] bbwarzone: lol
[20:19] maormx: would you like me to give you sexual favors?
[20:19] FlyingAce067 : PLZ
[20:19] maormx: err I didn't say that
[20:19] FlyingAce067 : Janie?
[20:19] survivornyck: WHAT
[20:19] FlyingAce067 : see eddie's request?
[20:19] FlyingAce067 : i likey
[20:19] survivornyck: uh, you can take it from him then
[20:19] J13366025: lol
[20:19] FlyingAce067 : fine hoe!
[20:19] survivordj13: *giggles*
[20:19] maormx: haha
[20:19] survivordj13: Fuck this fuck everything
[20:19] FlyingAce067 : OH WAIT
[20:20] *** survivordj13 has left the chat.
[20:20] FlyingAce067 : GIMME THE KEY BITCH!
[20:20] FlyingAce067 : OH she left
[20:20] survivornyck: that's mah line
[20:20] maormx: so am I the only one to actually get eliminated in the eliminator
[20:20] maormx: lol
[20:20] edwintamiu08: yes
[20:21] maormx: excellent
[20:21] edwintamiu08: at least u didnt get a question
[20:21] maormx: YEAH
[20:21] maormx: UNDEFEATED
[20:21] maormx: never got a question wrong