Post by Will Kirby on Jul 3, 2008 18:45:59 GMT -5
I am very impressed with Jason. For the first half of the game I viewed him as a guy who was barely active and no one to really worry about. It turns out that during this time he had alot of influnce over what was going on. He stayed completly off my radar as a threat untill the final 8 where I was evicted.
I had no idea he was with those girls at all untill that point. I realize that some of you may have known because you knew he had friends in this game but I had no idea about that.
He played very well at the end of the game. I thought it was a lttle risky going to the end with those 3 girls...but he stepped it up and beat them at there game of being challenge whores.
Ill still give Rachel a chance to plead her case but I dont think she will convince me that she played better.
Post by Jessica Hughbanks on Jul 3, 2008 19:42:04 GMT -5
I would not have had Rachel or Chelsia's vote LOL
Post by Chelsia Hart on Jul 3, 2008 20:52:31 GMT -5
I am already seeing alot of lies told in the answering. I know for a fact that Jason wasn't out there playing that hard, he barely had time to show up to most challenges in the begining. For one the Dave move was not him and Jessica at all. They of course jumped on that boat once it was afloat. But I know for a fact thats not how it went down at all. Also Eddie and Jessica yall can flap til' you turn purple in the face. Jessica more so, You knew just as many people if not more than I did coming into this game. I honestly don't care how bad it pisses any of you off that we knew eachother before hand. I saw that all over the place in this game. Maybe a few of you who didn't know a soul, I would say yall were lucky you didnt have to deal with people you knew in this. You say my vote is automatic, thats fine I am however voting for the person who played best and will not lie about the moves they made. For Eddie and Jess just shut the fuck up when it comes to my name. I am *DONE* with you two and we really don't need to speak again. So keep you're loose ones closed when its about me.
Post by Janelle Pierzina on Jul 3, 2008 21:39:46 GMT -5
On top of that you get the added perk of automatic jury votes such as the ones Rachel will receive from Chelsia and Janelle. lol even if I didn't know Rachel, I would vote for her to win because I think her game was *much* better.
Post by Chelsia Hart on Jul 3, 2008 21:51:40 GMT -5
I think the fact Nicole is out there hurt by Rachel NOT Jason just shows who was playing this game from early on and who wasn't. Nicole went early on and feels Rachel is the reason. Rachel played an awesome game from day one and we are sitting here trying to bash her game. Jason was a floater he admitted to being a floater. Jason played pretty well from final 6 on, but this damn game started waaaaaay before final 6. Jason's answer to Will's question made me about toss my cookies, ALOT OF BULLSHIT. Like I said he started playing hard at final 6, but he was not out playing Rachel this WHOLE game at all.
Post by Eddie McGee on Jul 3, 2008 22:48:35 GMT -5
Nicole being hurt doesn't show who is playing. It shows who is a cunt.
But ofcourse Chelsia you can't even tell the difference. For you being a cunt is good game play.
You don't seem to understand that laying low and keeping people happy with you is a perfectly legitimate and good way to play. No, one must call 21 year old women fat bitches over the internet to qualify as such.
Looking back had I ever had any luck, Rachel would have been GONE. First out from your side. Jason wouldn't have left. You didn't go after Jason until it was too late and no one else on this jury was gunning for him.
He was better destined to get to the end than Rachel and that's why he deserves to win.
Post by Eddie McGee on Jul 3, 2008 22:50:04 GMT -5
I have an idea how about some of you come into a game made nearly halfway with people who are my friends outside the game.
We'll see how lucky you are.
Post by Will Kirby on Jul 4, 2008 11:26:38 GMT -5
To Janelle and Chelsia
You guys obviously know alot more about what went on then I do. I only really know what these 2 are going to tell me. So feel free to state your case why you think Rachel should win if she doesnt do a good enough job of it herself.
If you right about the lies in Jasons answers then I hope Rachel calls him on it and tells us the truth.
My vote is not a lock at all. At this point only Jason has really answered anything so its probablly why Im leaning towards him.
I want the person who played the best to win. I want to be beaten by someone who played the best.
I want every juror here to give as much info about what went down so we cant make an informed decision.
Post by Eddie McGee on Jul 4, 2008 12:05:15 GMT -5
To my understanding Jason hasn't lied about anything objective. Chelsia and Janelle have issues with stuff like when he says he "played" someone. They say that he didn't actually play that person just thinks he did. That's all subjective experience though, I don't know how you can prove or disprove that.
Post by Jessica Hughbanks on Jul 4, 2008 13:13:48 GMT -5
Chelsia how can you know what Jason is lying about or what he isnt lying about, how can you pretend you know what he did this entire game?
This decision is easy for me due to the fact that I was lucky enough to see both of their games without reading the jury answers. Because of my relationship with both of them throughout the game.
Post by Eddie McGee on Jul 5, 2008 13:17:09 GMT -5
Rachel is completely full of shit and a liar:
"At this point in time, Eddie and I began a series of what I call "fake" conversations. Fake because everything I said to him was actually the truth but he kept blowing smoke up my ass. In this first conversation, Eddie asked for a final 2 alliance, which I didn't accept since I basically had told him he was my target." - Rachel
I NEVER at ANY TIME offered her a FINAL 2 ALLIANCE. EVER. In fact I made it always clear that I'm coming after her side, just like I made it abundantly clear at that point to both Chelsia and Janelle. Janelle is the only person I tried to make a serious deal with and that wasn't final 2 either. It was just “keep me longer than my friends because I'm removing Chelsia and Rachel first, and they won't”
Rachel is a complete liar. The only time we talked about final 2 was as a joke after she told me how many final 2s she had. I should challenge her to find an instance where we talked about final 2 IN CONTEXT which shows we had a deal. An average jokey final 2 talk went like this:
ElMaestro999 (10:29:09 PM): u all are ElMaestro999 (10:29:14 PM): u 3 are strong ElMaestro999 (10:29:16 PM): and scary MaorMx (10:29:18 PM): LOL MaorMx (10:29:20 PM): no we fail MaorMx (10:29:23 PM): AT LIFE
ElMaestro999 (10:29:23 PM): lol ElMaestro999 (10:29:25 PM): no MaorMx (10:29:29 PM): Come on Rachel MaorMx (10:29:30 PM): we got f2 MaorMx (10:29:31 PM): right? ElMaestro999 (10:29:48 PM): hahaha ElMaestro999 (10:29:59 PM): why not, just add that to the tally of final 2's ive had ElMaestro999 (10:30:04 PM): im at 10 now? MaorMx (10:30:08 PM): good shit
I haven't had proof of Jason lying but now I got some of Rachel. Bitch is full of shit. Always has been, always will be.
What fucking nerve does she have, trying to make me look like a little bitch who begged her for mercy. She's the weakest bitch in this game.
Post by Eddie McGee on Jul 5, 2008 13:25:39 GMT -5
"2) Rachel should not win because she has been fake and dishonest throughout the entire game. Rachel was really fake during a lot of this game. Like the Dave speech, she wanted him gone just as much as the last person. She was fake and lied to me a lot and it was just unnecessary, she could have been upfront with me and it would have not changed the decision I was going to make and when I look back, she really just made herself look bad. She takes credit for manipulating me and others when she really did not say anything to change my mind, just what she wanted me to do and what I was doing were the same things. She came into this game with two other people who were not going to screw her over in any way and she had complete trust in them even though she played the card that she was afraid that they were not going to take her to the final two, when she knows that she could have gotten one of them to if she wanted. She played the victim a lot, when she was never really in a victim position. "
Jason sums up my thoughts exactly. Lying is part of the game. Unnecessary lying is a sign of poor character.
Rachel lies sometimes because of emotionality. She'd rather lie and have people like her than tell the truth and risk losing friendship. Really weak.
Post by Chelsia Hart on Jul 6, 2008 2:05:44 GMT -5
Blah blah blah blah you whinny ass bitch I swear to God. I believe Rachel when she says you asked her for a final 2, Hell you asked me for one too, and from the sounds of it you wanted one with Janelle as well. So suck on it long and hard Eddie. You were outplayed by her and you can't even stand up and say she played well. I think you are a piece of trash and I really don't know why I bother with yapping back to you. So you're lucky I am .... Will if there is anything you would like to know please feel free to PM about it. I'd like to keep my thoughts outta here from now on, but I have tons of proof on how both played the game. Jason's game just doesn't compare at all with Rachel's. I mean it clearly shows who was out there playing from the start and who wasn't in there answers. Jason was pretty much relying on made up stuff for the moves he made in this game. I mean come on one of his biggest moves in this game was breaking up Rachel and Jessica's final 2? what real final damn 2 did they ever have. I mena his answers are kindergarden like compared to Rachel's simply because she did tons more in this game. I mean getting on and saying I am with you and to vote Dave? Is not a very bright game play to me, and I saw that numerous time through the game from him. He played weak and he played that way for quite along time. I give him his credit for fighting hard towards final 4, but come on is that enough to win this game? Not ta me at all. But like I said feel free to ask anything you wanna know. Eddie for you I know you have personal issues with Rachel for her speech and the way she acted, but honestly YOU played a hell of alot worse than she did so SHUT IT Honey! You need to just admit to how fine she played and give credit where credit is due.
Post by Jessica Hughbanks on Jul 6, 2008 2:14:23 GMT -5
There is no credit to give Chelsia, so shut it! There is so much shit that she said in all the stuff she wrote where she is TAKING credit that is not hers to take.. therefore she is lying. So much more went on than she even voiced, hell so much more went on than either of them voiced, it is just the way it is.
I dont even need to read their answers to know how they both played, since I was very involved with both of their games this entire game. But you notice something Chelsia.. Eddie isnt even directing what he is saying to your dumb ass, so why you are taking the time to reply about his opinion of Rachel is just that his opinion. You can state yours too but just cuz you say shit doesnt mean it really happend or that it is even half true.
You just enjoy seeing yourself talk.. you cant help but comment, have fun with that. I am sure you will reply to this message too with some BS drama that nobody cares about. I dare you to be able to not respond!
Post by Will Kirby on Jul 6, 2008 16:32:28 GMT -5
Well out of the 2 of them I would say that Jason "played" me.
I knew Rachel wasnt ever on my side and I never told her anything. I went after her in a challenge and it wasnt untill then that she decided to come after me.
But Jason was completely off my radar. Then all of a sudden he appears and I am voted out. I give him tons of credit for what he did to me personally.