While I'm pretty vocal in my DR I haven't really touched on every player in the game yet. So this is a quick post on the people in this game and what I think of them.
Amanda- boring as hell. For some reason people think she has enormous potential for drama, but frankly I don't see it.
Chelsia- I like this one. I think she likes me as a player as well. We both have an appreciation for entertainment and talking big. I'd love to play with Chelsia for a while.
Dave- He has several alliances. He wins lots of comps. He's one of my best Warzone friends but all at once he's a backstab waiting to happen. Even though I spent a good amount of time poking fun of him as a player (and will probably continue to do so in the future) I do like him as a person. Honestly, I'm probably safe with his comp whoring ways for a while but when it's cut off time...I won't hesitate.
Drew- Some people find him obnoxious...I don't really know why. He seems to be a pretty good player to me. He's nowhere near under the radar but at the same time I don't think he's a huge threat to anyone. Probably will last for a while in this game so I might as well get close to him.
James- Don't know much about him. I heard he has strong connections in this game, so that all translates to me being completely alright with him leaving at any point.
Janelle- COMP WHORE. The sooner she leaves the better. As opposed Comp Whore Dave, I don't really feel safe when she has the power.
Jason- Only player in the game I've NEVER talked to. What else is there to say?
Jen- Seems nice but controlling. There was a rumor she was going to put me on the block in the beginning of this game but I brought it to her attention and I think she gained respect for me. She might possibly not nominate me if she ever wins that power and that would be awesome.
Jessica- A sweetheart. She feeds me a lot of information in this game. She's a nice girl
Nicole- I'm very neutral about her and I don't mind keeping it that way as I vote to evict her this week.
Rachel- People really like her I've heard but she honestly really really annoys me. Maybe it's because she was running around last week trying to find out what the majority is voting and I think that's chicken. Like James she has strong connections and she can leave.
Scott- Not the Mr. Popular of this game as far as I understand it. He seems alright when we talked so I may work on getting closer to him. I have a feeling he'll be here for a while.
Will- I trust this guy as much as I can trust another player in this game. I have his back, he has my back. I have no qualms about having him around as the game begins approaching the end.