Post by Janelle Pierzina on Jun 10, 2008 21:09:03 GMT -5
I just want to apologize to everyone for winning competitions. I thought that's what the fucking game was about. Uh, yeah it is so fuck yeah I'm gonna try to win every comp and be a biiiiig COMP WHORE. Eddie SOME of you are comp whores (James).
Post by Chelsia Hart on Jun 10, 2008 21:09:57 GMT -5
Post by Eddie McGee on Jun 10, 2008 21:14:45 GMT -5
BET YOU I WOULD! IT NEEDED IN THE OPEN YOU COWARD MOTHERFUCKER! SOOOO ALL YA SHUT THE FUCK UP! SHOW UP TO THE CHALLENGE AND DO IT THE RIGHT WAY! YOU HAVE BEEN TOGETHER, YOU WERE TOGETHER AND PLAN ON STAYING TOGATHER SO SHUT THE HELL UP ITS DONE WITH! Alright since clearly me, James, Will, Rachel, Janelle, and Chelsia would know what's up... This has got to be some show for Jason. I'm sure he's enjoying it. I think you randomly deciding to call out 3 people to match your alleged "3" right when one of you 3 stopped having the power... that pretty much says everything right there. Jason knows what's up. He's a smart guy.
Post by James Rhine on Jun 10, 2008 21:14:51 GMT -5
Anyways, I admit to being a Comp Whore, I like Janelle try hard at every challenge! Mad respect Janelle, mad respect! And seriously Chelsia, whether you believe it or not I was not tied to Eddie in the beginning! I had more trust in you than him. Sorry Eddie, but you know that we didnt even talk much during the beginning portion of the game! Will and I have been buddies since probably after Janelle nominated the two of us. And not even alliance partners! Like I said before, and Rachel could agree with me, my alligence was to the now dead Gemini Alliance! Sounds dumb, but we were all Geminis!
Post by Eddie McGee on Jun 10, 2008 21:18:54 GMT -5
What the hell is the Gemini alliance?
Am I going to have to wait for the game to end and DRs to open to find out?
Post by Chelsia Hart on Jun 10, 2008 21:20:14 GMT -5
UH, I asked you all fucking last week about this, YOU LIE, LIE LIE, ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT. FUCK YOU EDDIE! I HAVE CONVOS FROM WILL SAYING YALL WILL SAVE EACHOTHER IF YOU WIN VETO, NOT AN ALLIANCE? Bull fucking shit alright? You know you want Jason in you're back pocket and you will YAP all damn night. Funny you bring up Jason into it. I SAID NOTHING OF HIS NAME. You just gave away you're own idea is what you did ya crazy fucker. Go sniff paint or something. GET A FUCKING LIFE!
Post by Rachel Plencner on Jun 10, 2008 21:22:52 GMT -5
James, I have known for a while you were not true to me. It was pretty obvious and you tried to act dumb about it even though you knew I caught on. You've had ties to other people (Will, for example) and made it blatantly obvious the week I won HoH that you were not with me. Now back then I took the benefit of the doubt, I put up Dave thinking the whole house wanted him out of the house (which all of you expressed in some form or other). I also thought it would mean we could continue working together. What happens though? The second Dave leaves the game I hear my name brought up left right and center by none other then Will and James. I also hear from Dave about how the whole plan was *MY* idea and that I threatened you both to do it. So who lies? How was I supposed to trust you? What was I supposed to do, sit on my ass and wait till you came after me? No, I chose a side, I chose the people who to this point in the game had NOT given me an ounce of reason to mistrust them. You chose your side that is fine. What I don't appreciate is you calling me out when you did the exact same thing I did. I also don't appreciate you lieing to others about things I have said and done.
Post by Eddie McGee on Jun 10, 2008 21:24:42 GMT -5
I didn't start this shit Chelsia, you did. I just came here to defend myself I guess...kind of dumb since everyone knows that James, Will, and I don't have a three-way so I'm done posting in this retarded thread. Regardless of what you say.
I don't know if Will was going to use veto on me. If he it was probably to shaft one of you bitches as a replacement nominee.
Yeah and I'm not going to deny there was strategy talk amongst us but it was to get rid of you all, we weren't calling Final 3.
So I'm done with this shit. Chelsia go break some Easter eggs.
Post by Rachel Plencner on Jun 10, 2008 21:28:00 GMT -5
Oh and Jason knows what is up. He is a smart guy. He basically has to choose between two sides. It's funny how Eddie keeps denying there are 2 sides but James keeps agreeing that there is one...very funny
P.S. James, I do not hate you in any way. I am hurt but so is the game. But this is in no way a hatred thing. I enjoyed talking to you when I did, and stopped talking to you once I found out the shit you told about me to Dave.
*Dave I miss you!!*
Post by Eddie McGee on Jun 10, 2008 21:32:06 GMT -5
Oh and Jason knows what is up. He is a smart guy. He basically has to choose between two sides. It's funny how Eddie keeps denying there are 2 sides but James keeps agreeing that there is one...very funny P.S. James, I do not hate you in any way. I am hurt but so is the game. But this is in no way a hatred thing. I enjoyed talking to you when I did, and stopped talking to you once I found out the shit you told about me to Dave. *Dave I miss you!!* I AM NOT DENYING THERE ARE TWO SIDES. The two sides are Janelle, Rachel, and Chelsia and people who are not Janelle, Rachel, and Chelsia. That's the twisted universe I like to live in. Secondly I now remember why I was pissed at you Rachel. You said I was safe...Dave was definitely going to go...blah blah blah. Right? And YEAH it did happen and YEAH I'm really grateful about that. But did you see your veto replacement speech? YOU SAID YOU HAD TO THINK ABOUT IT ALL LAST NIGHT! That was very wtf to me. I came out thinking that you were going back and forth between fucking over Dave and fucking over me when I thought you were 100% fucking over Dave. So that's all about that.
Post by James Rhine on Jun 10, 2008 21:36:57 GMT -5
The sides thing I was agreeing to was what Eddie said above! 5-3! Why do you think Scott left in all honesty! Three people voted for him to leave because we needed people who could compete with you all in the challenges! Will and Eddie are better than Scott in challenges, so thats why they stayed and Scott left! So this side thing started after the veto challenge, not when Jason won HOH!
Post by Dave Lane on Jun 10, 2008 21:38:03 GMT -5
Haha... Wow I miss you all. I wish I were still here. This is great.
Post by Eddie McGee on Jun 10, 2008 21:39:45 GMT -5
Quickly hide him before BB security identifies him.
Post by Rachel Plencner on Jun 10, 2008 21:40:52 GMT -5
What I said to you was 100% true you were NEVER my target. Don't you think I had someone else in mind to put up who was equally going to be evicted, ask James your alliance partner about it, he knew of the whole plan. Look at my confessionals once the game is over an you'll see. Of course I had to think about it. You don't just make a decision like that lightly. It was either I vote Dave out a close ally and appease everyone or keep him in and piss everyone off. That week was a lose lose situation for me. Either way it doesn't matter now, I clearly made a mistake that week in trusting that what I was doing was what the house wanted. In effect I was being used by all of you to do the dirty work you coudn't/didn't want to do and the second it was done you all turned on me. That's fine, that's the game.
Post by Chelsia Hart on Jun 10, 2008 21:42:48 GMT -5
Uh, This sides thing started way the hell back. Amanda first came out with it. Then Eddie jumped on it. You were all planning shit from waaaay back then. You guys play the field, You three are tight and its the truth. Whats funny is all three of you have trouble with trusting one another thats what I get a kick out of.